Did you ever think you’d be where you are today? Mar 10, 2025

Many of us will say, NO!

You may be in a job that is undesirable, a marriage that is challenging, in widowhood way to young, in financial strains, a body that is failing too young …. you fill in the blank ______.

There are two ways to think about situations that seem questionable and challenging.

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Clean and Pray Oct 01, 2024

Pondering things, I wish I would have done differently, spirals into worry.

Wishing I had made better word choices when I spoke in anger, turns to worry.

Hoping no harm was done with my hateful words, becomes worry.

Questioning if the situation would have played out differently if a better choice...

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Center of the Merry-Go-Round May 02, 2023

“Slow down you’re going too fast!”

I’ve been told this nearly every day of my life.

Just as fast as I move so do my thoughts. From the moment my eyes open these thoughts are mostly of worry for kids, husband, finances, work project……you fill in the blank because I know you know!

Our runaway, worr...

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