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Clean and Pray

Oct 01, 2024

Pondering things, I wish I would have done differently, spirals into worry.

Wishing I had made better word choices when I spoke in anger, turns to worry.

Hoping no harm was done with my hateful words, becomes worry.

Questioning if the situation would have played out differently if a better choice was made, grows into worry.

These questioning, worry thoughts replayed in my mind, over and over, creating self-doubt. The only purpose they serve was to strip my self-worth to shreds.

The worry thoughts are mentally exhausting and turn inward to physical weariness. Day-after-day it created this tension and out-of-control thinking process that needed to stop.

During a time when I was cleaning homes for a profession God spoke three words to me as I started the day completely exhausted with several hours of work in front of me. Clean and pray.

Clean and pray. What?

Clean and pray. Okay

Clean and pray were the words I needed to concentrate on to take my self-destructive worry thoughts and turn them into prayers. Every negative thought I had was captured and turned into a prayer while I cleaned.

Clean and pray.

Clean and pray.

The Bible teaches us to not be anxious about anything, which seems next to impossible when we are in the height of the crisis situation. But our minds are powerful, and when there is a focused effort to work on getting the Word of God into our minds instead of worry, great results happen.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 NLT

God wants us to enjoy our journey of life, to be free of worry and to have peace and contentment, trusting He will take care of our burdens, the worry thoughts. Our time here on earth is to find enjoyment and not misery.

At this time in my life, God knew what I needed, clean and pray. Cleaning is a way of dealing with the mental and physical energy that wants to spin out-of-control. If cleaning is not your thing, find what works for you, what helps distract you and allow you to concentrate on taking each thought to prayer and releasing it to God and let Him do the work in the mess.


When worry comes to your thoughts, stop and catch yourself and make the decision to drag the thoughts to prayer.  And if you can do a physical action with it, do it. Find what works for you may it be walking, cooking, sewing, crafts, exercising, but try to physically do something while you pray and watch the results come. Give it a try.

To learn more about prayer and why we can NEVER STOP PRAYING you can purchase a PDF book NEVER STOP PRAYING for $17.00 CLICK HERE

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