Feb 26, 2023Think back to the cartoon of Bugs Bunny and his friend the Tasmanian devil who would swirl and whirl around and around going everywhere and now where. Then all of a sudden, he’d STOP. He looked frazzled and crazy, panting and eyes looking all googly.
Now think of what a human would look like when they type of swirling and whirling around takes place….THAT WAS ME!
Years ago when these type of behavior was normal for me a mentor gave me a challenge in a form of a question. She said, “Can you pause long enough to think about what you’re thinking about?” She was not looking for an immediate answer, this was a question to chew on for a time and reflect on my behaviors.
If you’re like most women, there are no less then five random thoughts running loose in your brain at one given moment. If we were to stop and think about all of them when asked the question like my mentor asked me, it could be a scary ordeal.
I did take her up on the challenge. Could I do it? Here’s the interesting revelation which happened when I committed myself to the poignant question.
The slowing down to think meant I needed to physically sit still. But I needed mental preparation to remind myself that God was for me in the process and He would never give me more then I could handle. He knew my limitations and how difficult it was for me to sit still. Yet God was so gracious in helping me ease into the task and He provided me a word to focus on - P.A.U.S.E.
Pause is the first step before rest, by definition it’s a temporary stop or inaction. Whew - this game me freedom to know I didn’t have to sit for an hour or more. Taking a brief pause to be inactive was a mountain I could climb when I knew God was in it with me.
God was taking me on a path and He would be right beside me to help meet the giants along the way. Nothing would be so dramatic to overcome when He was with me. So the journey began by using the P.A.U.S.E. acronym.
P ursue God – Make a connection with God by speaking his name or asking for help - “Help me God.” “God, I need you.” “Abba Father.” “Papa God help me.”
A ttention on God – Center your attention on God’s goodness, love, mercy, and grace.
U nload Burden – Dump the thoughts that weigh you down – fear, anger, worry – turn them over to God in prayer.
S et Time Aside – Sitting still to take a breath is needed. Allocate at least five minutes to let the busyness be put to the side to let God’s goodness come in.
E xpress Yourself to God – Release the stress and burdens clogging your thoughts to God and let him refresh and renew your spirit.
It took practice and commitment to be able to pause and ask the question, “What am I thinking about?”
Take time to PAUSE. It will be unique for you and your personality but when you ask God to be with you in the time, He will make it beneficial for you. Sit. Quiet yourself. And pause.
Take time to PAUSE.
As a gift to you please enjoy my FREE download of an 11 page devotional P.A.U.S.E. To Find Peace and gain strength in God - A 5-Day Devotional for busy women
All this is so that God’s goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives. Psalm 23:6
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Reach out to Sue at https://www.suelhamilton.com/site/contact