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Five Minutes to Come Alive

Apr 05, 2023

Jumping out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off has been a normal thing for me. I can wake up quickly, get going, and be ready for the day in record time compared to most people.

This can be considered a good quality, an achievement, and something to be proud of, or is it?

Waking up and getting ready quickly has been a deterrent for me because I get going too facst and forget the first five minutes to come alive.

What does that mean?

Giving God the first five minutes of the day can set the course and direction for the rest of the day.

It’s a Must-Do.

It goes something like this……..

  • Thank you for waking me up to another day.
  • Thank you for another day of sobriety (for me, my story) and health.
  • What will you have of me today?

Giving God five minutes each day is the first small step in committing to get to know him more. By setting aside a time to sit quietly and release thoughts and focus on his goodness and mercy in our life is a great discipline that will never fail us.

The benefit of continuing to stay close to God will help to grow your relationship with him allow for more trust to develop.  And to practice listening to hear his still, small voice for what he wants you to do the rest of the day.

Think of it like this - - God is the compass for our days.  When we feel lost in the wilderness look to him and he will set the course and lead you – one step at a time.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33 NLT


Take time to evaluate how much first time of the day you give to God. If it is sufficient then praise him. If it needs more work, then ask God to help you make adjustments to give him the first five minutes to come alive.


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