Arrow of Offense
Jan 21, 2022They fly fast and furious, coming out of nowhere, most of the time they are undetected until they hit their target. The target is the heart and once it pierces it is split wide open - to hurts of the past and insecurities within. This is the arrow of offense.
Offense has a lengthy list of definitions, with the simplest one that hits most accurately – being insulted.
Once insult hits it triggers anger which will leads to rage or tears, neither are useful.
The arrows can come from many direction – a spouse, friend, family member, co-worker, the news, social media post.
How do we stop these arrows?
Get dressed spiritually – Put On, Take Up, and Stand Firm, ready for battle with God’s armor.
Ephesians 6: 10-18 describes the armor of God and what we need to do each day to be ready for battle with the enemy who prowls around seeking to destroy.
We’re only going to look at one item of the armor – the shield.
The shield of ancient times varied in sizes but the one we’ll focus on is the one that was close to 4-5 feet high and 2 feet wide, made of leather, and soaked in water. It was heavy and the warriors needed to be physically fit, have well developed muscles to carry the shield for any length of time. When they were in battle, they had it raised to protect themselves from the fiery arrows aimed to kill and destroy them. The wet leather would snuff out the flames and they would keep marching forward in pursuit of their destination.
The shield of our times is spiritual, and we need to visualize how it protects us from the flaming arrows that fly at us. The shield is one of the ways God describes himself to Abram in Genesis 15: 1 NIV “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” God is our shield who protects us.
The shield is heavy and held up with strength and is viewed as our faith in God. It takes spiritual muscles to keep our shield of faith in God held up.
The shield is for protection, and it needs to be held in the fighting stance ready for battle. We must have our shied erected and ready to hold back the arrows that will come at us. It cannot be laying down at our side and picked up when we think it will be needed, no it must be always held up.
When our spiritual eyes can see how we need to be dressed for battle each day we can see the benefit of visualizing this must needed piece of armor. The war is raging all the time and we must be armed and ready.
Get yourself ready and be prepare so the next time arrows of offense come flying at you that you are fully dressed in the armor of God which includes His shield of faith, His protection that will fend off the enemy’s attack.
Get dressed and Take Up your shield!
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